Hello Everyone! I hope you got to see Kate on the View this week. I unfortunately did not get to see it, but I'm sure I will soon. I have included an article about her appearance in this post for you to read, but first I wanted to talk about the new episode last night, "Movie & A Catch"! I thought the episode was cute but certainly not long enough! The movie on the lawn was around 5 minutes which I thought was way to short. I wanted to see more of them with Kate! I also want to know what movie they were watching. If any of you know please let me know! I would have to say that I thought this episode was much sadder than I expected. I didn't think that Jon and Kate would really talk about their separation, but they did. I thought it was so sad when Kate talked about how she wonders if her kids know how much she loves them. I feel so bad for her. I am totally on her side of this. I want one of those TEAM KATE shirts sooooo bad lol! I didn't feel sad at all when Jon went on about missing his kids because he never seems to be too interested in them when he is shown on the show. He always seems super bored. The kids did seem to really enjoy fishing with him the second time though. I personally love fishing and its so exciting when you catch fish!! I apologize for the article I have added to this post about the new episode....... They seem to have confused the fact that Cara went fishing with Jon and Mady went to her Grandma's house. They also seem to have spelled Cara's name wrong! Oops!!
On Monday, she began her first of two guest hosting gigs on the ABC show - and she didn't hold back. Sherri Shepherd asked Gosselin what it was like to see her estranged husband Jon bringing his new girlfriend, 22-year-old Hailey Glassman, around their eight kids."This is all difficult - I'm not going to lie," she replied. But she wouldn't answer the question. "For the sake of my children," she told the ladies, she is going to "take the high road."She defended Serena Williams, who was fined $10,000 for her profane outburst at a line judge at the US Open on Saturday. "I think the important thing here is that she's in the public eye," Gosselin, 34, said. "We're all human." Gosselin even admitted, "In the privacy of my own home, this weekend, I melted down."So why does she keep on filming her TLC show? "So many people say, 'Stop ... just pull out,'" Gosselin said. "I can stop, but I'd still have all the flack..." "I’m a single mom, and now more than ever I need to be out there working hard to support my children," she added. "It comes with a price; every job that people do comes with a price." She later said, "My focus is supporting my family and children and whatever way that comes, in a healthy way, I’m gonna do it. "I'm essentially doing it by myself, and I’m going be responsible," she said. When Whoopi Goldberg asked if she's paid enough, Kate replied, "Um... is anybody paid enough?"
Kate Gosselin's First Day On The View: "I will continue to take the high road".
Radar.comThe stress of a crumbling marriage and the fact that her estranged husband Jon has a new love appears to be finally getting to Kate Gosselin. Kate – guest hosting on The View Monday - said she had a meltdown this weekend in the privacy of her own home. Her revelation came as the ladies of The View were discussing Serena William’s on-court meltdown at the US Open on Saturday.“She's in the public eye and she melted down," Gosselin finally chirped, fighting to get a word in edgewise. "She's in the public eye and melted down. don't we all? People in the public eye are held to a higher standard. and meltdowns happen.""We're all human," she said, interrupted three times. Joy Behar asked: How do you handle him bringing Hailey Glassman to the house?"It's hard. This is definitely different. But I react to it the only way I can, and I will continue to react that way. For the sake of my children I will continue to take the high road, because it is the only road for me. But to be honest, I had a meltdown over the weekend in the privacy of my own home." On quitting the show, Kate said: "The show has really changed. People say just stop and pull out. But I can't. This is a job. I'm a single
mom and I need to be out there working on my job. We didn't go into this wanting to be huge
celebrities. But it happened. But essentially I'm doing this by myself. I'm responsible now.
As Jon and Kate continue to spend time separately with their kids, they both take time to reflect on their current family situation. On this week’s episode of “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” both Jon and Kate reflected on the upcoming divorce, while each spending time with their kids. The episode began with Kate and the kids preparing for an evening of fun at home. As Kate prepared dinner, Ashley (the nanny) watched the kids swim in the pool. While preparing dinner, Kate had some time to reflect on the upcoming divorce. She said she feels very overwhelmed, and she hopes that this feeling slows down. She also admitted to feeling lonely after the kids went to bed. After Kate and the kids finished dinner, they watched a movie outside on the lawn. As Kate said, “the kids were so excited about it.” And even though the boys fell asleep, they all seemed to have a fun time. Kate’s part of the episode ended with her packing up to leave, and reflecting on having to leave her kids. "I don't know if I'll ever get used to the fact of packing up…I don’t like leaving…I don’t like having to wonder what they’re doing. I don’t like wondering if they’re having fun…You doubt yourself every day,” she concluded with tears in her eyes. The episode continues with Jon spending time with his kids. This time Jon takes the little kids and Mady fishing in the creek in their neighbor’s backyard. However, the event didn’t turn out as Jon had hoped. None of the kids had fun because it was too hot outside, and no one except Jon, caught any fish. All the meanwhile, Kara opted to go over to Jon’s mom’s house instead. They spent quality time together, and also went shopping. After fishing, they all made homemade pizzas on the grill back at home. Everyone enjoyed this activity much better. Even though the first day of fishing was unsuccessful, Jon didn’t give up. He said he “wanted them to enjoy the benefits of fishing.” Because of this, he brought the kids to a nearby pond the next day, for what hopefully would be, a more successful trip. And that is exactly what happened. As soon as they began fishing, they had a much better time. All the kids were having a lot more fun because they were all catching multiple fish. Jon concluded the episode by saying, “I’m trying to spend as much time with my kids as possible because my time is limited…. [this] time is stressful…no one said this was going be easy—it’s hard.” As both Jon and Kate reflect on the current situation, they seem to have more in common than they may have thought.